AMED TIMES - Prof Dr Cenap Ekinci, a lecturer at Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, issued a statement of support from the Rights and Freedoms Party (HAK PAR) after he was asked to make a statement to the police. The HAK PAR statement contained the following wording:

Inflation figures for July released! Inflation figures for July released!

"We express our solidarity with Professor Dr Cenap Ekinci. The Kurdish slogans “Pêşî Peya” (Pedestrian First) and “Hêdî” (Slow) written on the streets by the Diyarbakır Municipality continue to cause unrest in anti-Kurdish circles. Following complaints from racist groups, ProAMED TIMES - Prof Dr Cenap Ekinci, a lecturer at Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, published a statement of support from the Rights and Freedoms Party (HAK PAR) after he was asked to make a statement to the police. The HAK PAR statement contained the following wording:
Professor Dr Cenap Ekinci was summoned to the police on 4 August 2024 to make a statement regarding the ongoing debates on the erasure and rewriting of these Kurdish texts.

Professor Dr Cenap Ekinci stated: 'Dear mayors! You have written 'Pêşi Peya' (pedestrians first) on the streets and it has been erased several times. You have fulfilled your public duty on behalf of the people and that is enough. Now it's the turn of the traders, shopkeepers, café owners, greengrocers, construction managers and the public. Everyone should take some paint and write ‘Pêşî Kurdî’ (Kurdish first) on their walls...'
As HAK-PAR, we condemn the racist mentality that is directed against the Kurdish language and culture at every opportunity, applaud Professor Dr Cenap Ekinci for his sensitivity and express our solidarity."

Editor: Haber Merkezi